Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Saala Slimeball Digvijay Singh says the Internet is evil!
“Just imagine 11000 Digvijay Singhs.”
The internet technology has now gathered momentum and now made the virtual world, at times more powerful and overpowering than the real one. Obviously, politicians in India so far used to the cut and thrust and real world politics in India also can't ignore the opinion manipulating possibilities of the tools of virtual media.
An empowered middle class enjoying the fruits of economic liberalization has become extremely politically conscious which I feel is quite a healthy sign . But this new found political articulation is some times ill-tempered and in several cases extremely partisan and crosses the limits of decent public discourse.
I say this from personal experience. As, I have lately been on the receiving end of the abusive hate mail whenever I have expressed my forthright views on Right Wing Terror. In such situations, the articulate middle class has its right to dissent against the views of politicians, but should be tolerant enough to listen to the views that they may not agree to without being abusive.
I have always felt fanatic religious or ethnic fundamentalism is the root cause of global terror.
Irrespective of the religion they may profess, the perpetrators of this ideology of fanatic fundamentalism breed hatred and appropriate a self -righteous authority to impose their beliefs on others and then unleash violence against the non-believers. History is full of such examples.
India is a country of tolerance. This is because India has the cultural and spiritual depth that has allowed different religions and ideologies to co-exist and over the centuries get assimilated to create a blend that is the essence of the Indian ethos.
We can't allow the idea of "Vasudev Kutumbhakam" so closely identified with our history and our culture to be snatched away by these rabid fanatic fundamentalists whether they are Muslims or Hindus.
I have faced the ire equally of both rabid fanatic Hindus and Muslims when I went to Azamgarh and when I went to Barak Valley in Assam. They are the faces of the same coin. They feed on each other in a mutually sustainable way.
Some times when I see that within minutes of my statement, even in some remote corner of the country against right wing terror, there is a flood of abusive comments against me.
I have doubts on their authenticity. Are they sponsored? Have the perpetrators of hate and terror been able to organize themselves through cells/ groups that run these 'virtual campaigns' through assumed identities to brow beat any one into silence who dares to expose their acts of violence? {Read on}

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Saala Slimeball Digvijay Singh says the Internet is evil!
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