Thursday, June 2, 2011

Saala Slimebal Dayanidhi Maran pulls off an audacious caper ~ steals an entire telephone exchange to help Sun TV

 "Maran is a sleaze bag. He finally got hoisted on his own petard. This is just the beginning. He did everything to divide the Karunanidhi children. He tried miserably to serve Karunanidhi and Sonia Gandhi at the same time. And, finally, the truth has caught up with this American-trained sleaze master." Readers comment

"When people get into power they lose concentration and start focusing on making money." Dayanidhi Maran in a candid conversation with the American Political Officer in February 2008, speaking  of corruption in his party ~ Wikileaks ~ The India Cables ~ The Hindu

 “I vouch that during my tenure as Minister of Communications and IT, I was totally impartial in taking decisions. I have not favoured any company over others. Neither any applicant company was allowed to jump the queue in grant of UASL licences nor there any loss to the exchequer,”Dayanidhi Maran in a statement refuting allegations of corruption.

"Maran is history now , will succumb to 2G charge" ~  N Ram : Magazine headline