Friday, June 3, 2011

Game over ASSHOLES!!! ~ Baba Ramdev

Swami RamdevImage via Wikipedia
Addressing his supporters at the Ramlila Ground in New Delhi, Baba Ramdev on Friday called for stringent punishment against the corrupt to curb the menace of corruption in the society.


All those people who have come from far in this heat, under adverse conditions, without caring for their comforts are doing everything for their when there's no time for our own family, at this time a 'sanyasi' has decided to end corruption and to change things today...I am thankful that you all have come in thousands. I can understand your determination and emotions and from tomorrow, the "bhrashtachar mitao satyagraha" which will start, will also comprise women and children. I am thankful to you all. The primary cause is to change an established order. I asked little children what they will do...and they said they would fast to bring back black money. They said, "Even we will fight against corruption with you'. I can see even a one-year-old in the audience. My words fall short... I am so touched.

I agree there are some good leaders, businessmen but the corrupt politicians... have lakhs and crores of rupees that they have gained from the people's hard earned money. So they are people who have eventually become strong. They are not of good character...these corrupt people have gained strength through so much money. Today America is a superpower, UK, Germany and France are superpowers...but we forget that all these countries are in crores of debt. What does this mean? This is actional tax. They have gained this money by exploiting poor countries like India. All the corrupt people in India who have not been faithful to 'Bharat Mata' will not want black money to come back. Now, when there's an anti-corruption movement in the country, even people like Maulana ji, Rizwiji are here to lend their support...this is not a political or business agenda and nor do we have any underground agenda. Our agenda is to get black money back. We have to end corruption. And inspired by this idea, we are all asking for our rights by adopting an enthusiastic yet peaceful means of protest.
If black money is brought back in this country, no one will go hungry, no one will be without a livelihood. Our currency will be stronger than the dollar or pound. I want to see that day soon... the currency should stand at $1=Rs 50. I want to see an India like that. When we bring back black money, this will be possible. Our country's pride will rise. A country that was known for its good values is now the leading country when it comes to corruption and poverty, lack of education, population density, hunger and poverty...this is of deep anguish to me. The same country that was the pinnacle of discipline and knowledge of science and maths, geography, ...the country that taught others to live has now become a country of vice. We will restore its lost glory. There will be hope and trust and we will strive for a better India.
Corruption will and that will be a step forward. This is not a small thing or small endeavour. Our children will not need to go abroad and study and our children who go there will not suffer murders and disrespect (possible allusion to racism). "Yogya bhi sikhayenge, desh bhi bachayenge, kala dhan layenge, aur Hindustan ko takatvar banayenge." Aren't there at least 400 people in this country like Hasan Ali? Aren't there at least 250 people like A Raja? This is not even a Hindu-Muslim issue...this stems from a demonic tendency in human beings. Corruption has permeated everywhere. {Read on}