Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Just got this CD [MP3]the other day and I now feel like I can bench press Buicks. The debut CD of the Bastard Bearded Irishmen is by far the best CD I have ever purchased ... quite possibly the greatest CD ever burned into existence.
The overall sound, while Irish punk in flavor, cannot be described by mortal words. The only known comparison that can be correlated to how good this CD is would be to imagine an infinite choir of baby angels singing 350 part harmonies of the soundtrack to you banging a bevy of supermodels while drinking tons of Guinness. Every track hits your ears like a sledgehammer smothered in awesomeness.
The story behind the making of this CD is that God wanted to make something representative of just how badass he is ... only better. His initial thought was to make some sort of "Super Wolfpack," consisting of hundreds of killer wolves that would ravage the Siberian landscape, eating livestock and impregnating women with nothing more than their telepathic will power. However, as we all know, a giant pack of hundreds of wolves is completely impossible by known scientfic knowledge. So, back to the drawing board He went.
After a frustrating night of idea after idea, God was left with two choices: create another Chuck Norris; or make the world's greatest CD and deliver it to an up and coming group of hungry musicians. Not wanting to bring about the Apocalypse (yet), He decided on the second option. Wanting to apologize to Ireland for centuries of British opression and the misunderstanding with the snakes, He chose to create this CD as an Irish themed middle finger to the world, urging them to "Rock On; Drink; and get ready for the party of the Universe."
Now for the right vessel. He came to the Bastard Bearded Irishmen, huddled hungover in their mangers scattered around Pittsburgh, PA, and told them that they were to bear his spawn to the world. BBI, unfaltering, agreed to take this charge, sealing the agreement with a shot of Jameson. Now, the multitudes of the Earth are beckoned to come forth and partake in what will be known as, "THE BASTARD BEARDED IRISHMEN."
If you do not buy this CD, then you are a giant tool. If you buy this CD and hate it, then you are the devil. {Via Amazon}